Can't hardly believe it, but I've lost 2.2 pounds in 11 days! And that was after I lost nearly a pound for the student show!
The Wii has me weighing at 165.6, very very close to a BMI of 25, which is considered healthy! I'm gonna tell you a secret, promise not to judge me?
I haven't recorded an ounce of food, I have barely exercised, and I'm at the tail-end of my period. I've spent handfuls of hours lazing around reading, and watching TV and just generally not caring about my health.
To my credit, I have been avoiding fast food, I drink plenty of water, I'm making sure I get more fruits and veggies, and I haven't stuffed myself. My portions are more reasonable. To my discredit, I haven't avoided sugary desserts (like cookies, and brownies, hot cocoa, coffee, candy bars, chocolate chips, etc.) but I don't binge on them daily - they're a treat more than anything.
I watched an interesting documentary about diet and learned that the lipid hypothesis (the belief that fats make you fat, that saturated fats raise your cholesterol, that vegetable oils are healthier than butter for cooking, and on and on) is a bunch of hooey that agricultural businesses came up with. The film basically said that the health problems of Americans have skyrocketed in the past 50 years or so not due to a boom in fast food, but due to all the misinformation about nutrition. Because it all sounds like a huge conspiracy theory, I'm really thinking about starting my own research into this documentary's claims. If for nothing else that to learn more about nutrition in its own right.
In more personal news, Matt and I are at the point in his unemployment where we are really beginning to feel it. Luckily, we pay only $200 per month for room and board, and we've slowed down our spending tremendously, but there are expenses we haven't cut, and it has become very evident that we need an income, quick. My sister Olivia told me about an opening at her job. She works in the deli of a grocery store and told me to apply for a position in the bakery. I then called the human resources department, which I've never done before ever, but Olivia told me to, and am now waiting for a call back. She said both her friends that she recommended for jobs that did what she told them to do got hired, so I'm really hoping the same goes for me.
Unfortunately, waiting is a bitch, pardon my French. It's been a week since I applied and called for the job. Olivia told me to have patience, her friend Rachel didn't get the call until 2 weeks later. When I told her that was so long, she pointed out that she DID get hired though. I had to concede... I guess it's better to receive a call two weeks later and get the job than it is to receive a call the next day and be told you aren't what they're looking for.
Still, I don't like waiting. We need income now, and Matt isn't really looking as hard as he could, plus we haven't received ANY unemployment checks because of all the problems with his paperwork, he had issues claiming for the first five weeks or so, and now they are denying him benefits because they believe he is a full-time student, which he is not.
I swear, if it had been MY unemployment benefits I would have done everything 100% perfect, but he just assumed the whole thing would be a piece of cake - he didn't read anything they sent him, he waits until the very last minute to send the forms and letters in, and then he gets angry when it doesn't all fall in his lap.
It's very frustrating, to say the least. Hopefully, I get this job, Matt's mom doesn't freak out about me having a job but her son still being unemployed. I haven't even told them I have this job possibility, mainly because I don't want them asking annoying questions about it.
This economy is tough. Matt and I both thought he would be right back out there working, and that if we had to I could get a retail job easily. Unfortunately, there is a large hiring pool for employers to choose from, so they seem to be very picky about who they hire.
It'll turn around for us. And then I can start saving to pay off past student loans and possibly start going back to school. More later.
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