My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

More interviews...

Over the weekend I had my first brush with fame. My mom's fifth-Saturday show/potluck this month wasn't as well-attended as the last, but we had a decent showing. Candice, my mother's long-time friend and self-declared "twin" arrived with her husband and two other people I didn't recognize. She has four boys that are grown, so I figured it was one of them plus his wife.

Come to find out, it was actually Project Runway Season 7 WINNER, Seth Aaron Henderson! He went to school with Candice's boys and he's been a family friend of theirs ever since. They had spent nearly all day out on the river, and she somehow convinced him and his wife to attend the show!

So I danced for Seth Aaron. And I hope he was impressed.

Wasn't feeling too body-confident that weekend. I feel like I've lost a lot of muscle-tone, and it makes me look flabbier than I am. I just lack the motivation to keep up the exercise. I love it, but I feel like I'm in a major funk. I'm hoping getting my professional life together will jumpstart the rest of my life.

And I definitely have some good news on that front.

I got a call from an unknown number at 6 o'clock Friday evening, which turned out to be from the title company I had applied to the previous day. The only number she gave me was the main line and the office was closed all weekend, so I didn't hear back after I left a message Saturday morning.

The same day I applied for the job at the hotel (the one that I, unfortunately, didn't get), I applied for a job as a sales associate for a boutique in downtown Vancouver. I knew right away which boutique the ad was talking about (Willows) and thought I'd be a pretty good fit -- if I have to go back into retail to get a secure paycheck, that would be the kind of place I'd like to work. I had given up on this job two weeks ago, because I never heard back. Well, last Sunday I got a call in the evening from the owner, Shandy. I called back the next day around two (after about two hours of deliberation and self-kicking) and set up an interview for four o'clock. Talk about short notice!

On the way to the store I got a call back from Stewart Title. I missed the call by a minute! So I hopped out of the car and used my extra couple of minutes to call her back. I set up an interview for the next day (today). Then I walked to my interview with Shandy! I was still a few minutes early and had to wait a while for the owner and her daughter to have a moment to spare, but once they did, we were talking about everything from my son and my mother's grandchildren, to my hobbies and interests, my background at Target and my ability to deliver customer service.

I mentioned my brush with Seth Aaron, and her face lit up! She pointed out that she carried his line BEFORE he was on the show, and to top it all off, her daughter was on the phone with him right that minute! They had just sold a huge order of his t-shirts and needed more merchandise and shipment information. That was the reason I had to wait for them to start the interview!

Overall, it went wonderfully. I've got the experience, and I have the friendly, helpful personality. They didn't discuss wage, but the hours would be weekends, and a few days out of the week, for a total of about 30 hours per week. My issue would be the weekends, because I have troupe on Sundays, but at this point I need a job more than I need to be at troupe every weekend.

The interview I had today was for the receptionist position at Stewart Title. I think about this interview and my heart starts pumping. I want it bad. It's 40 hours per week (8 - 5) at ten dollars per hour. It's in downtown Vancouver (only ONE bus to take!!!), and it's a job I could DO and be GOOD at.

She seemed to like me. I'm concerned that I didn't sell my personality enough though. She said being outgoing was an important aspect, but when asked me if that sounded like me, I talked about being goal-oriented, which, even as I type that seems like I skirted that issue. I wish I had talked up how I'm naturally shy but work hard to be sincerely sociable and friendly. I'm absolutely kicking myself about it, but if it costs me the position so be it. Learning experience.

But I'm not admitting defeat until I'm for certain defeated. Not my style.

If my wildest dream comes true and I get offered BOTH jobs, I'd have to go with Stewart Title., simply because the hours are better, but it hurts my heart to think about turning them down. They already feel like family at that boutique and I'm sure I'd love it there, but I just see myself fitting in better in an office situation. And they'd have to pay me over 13 dollars an hour to make the money I'd make there.

I really don't want to jinx myself, though. Most likely, I won't be offered either job. There are LOTS of fish in this employ-me pool. I would be foolish to think they couldn't find someone better than me to do the job.

I'm feeling kinda choked up about it right now. There's only so much I can do to make myself look like an asset to their team! Plus, if I can get interviews out of these opportunities, I can certainly find more...

But for now it's a waiting game. Stand-by!

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