My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I only have SO much willpower...

I've been reading articles on willpower. I have difficulty saying no to things that are unhealthy and that don't fit with my new lifestyle and I have difficulty finding the willingness to take initiative in doing the things that improve my health.

Today I walked for almost two hours. I pushed a stroller with my 22 pounds son in it the entire way. I could have taken the bus, but I decided to walk. I also grabbed diet soda instead of full-sugar. I know I should be cutting out everything except water but I am taking baby-steps.

But I almost had fast food again tonight. I haven't been following my "one time per week" promise I made to myself. The only reason we didn't have Taco Bell as a late-nite snack tonight was because my boyfriend's homework ate up a lot of time. I'm kind of glad it did - analyzing my hunger now reveals that I am not as hungry as I thought I was.

I think this is because I know there is NO possibility of fast food right now. Before, when there was a possibility, my stomach was rumbling with hunger at the thought of a burrito. At this point, I would have to go upstairs to the kitchen and risk waking the household up to make myself food.

With that as my only option, I feel I can wait until tomorrow to eat. I didn't have a lot to eat earlier though. My lunch consisted of a hotdog and bun with mustard and hot cocoa. Dinner was a grilled cheese sandwich made with two slices of American cheese on oat and bran bread with a fourth cup of salsa to dip in and a 4 ounce glass of milk. I ate the last serving of my Valentine's Day candy this morning, so my daily intake of calories totals 880. My exercise came to 350 so I netted 530 calories. I had over 1,100 calories left for the day! I could have had SO much Taco Bell and I would still have been under.

But maybe today was a good day. I feel good. I'm tired but not overly so. I have noticed that my weight loss has stalled. I think it is because I haven't been following my calorie allotment as strictly as I should (and my love of Mountain Dew is seriously hindering my ability to stay on track).

But back to the willpower thing. Does one only have a certain allotment of willpower? If I use up my willpower on one aspect of my life will I be unable to hold fast to other promises? I don't know if I believe that. I think that I will be more likely to be LENIENT on other things if I stick with my plan on certain aspects.
Like today. I walked a lot instead of taking the bus and I drank a diet soda when I really wanted a Mountain Dew. So, I was willing to give up my Fast Food boycott because I was really good earlier.

And I think this kind of mentality is really toxic to my goals. I'm sitting here at my computer right now and I didn't have any Taco Bell. And I am fine. No adverse effects - in fact, I feel great!I probably could use a little food. Maybe an egg and a big salad. But I don't need that greasy food I usually eat.

Okay, it's late and I feel like my rants are going nowhere.

Until next time.

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