My main motivation for starting a running program is the emotional benefit. I want to accomplish something I never thought I'd ever do - run for 30 minutes straight. But I've been looking up the other ways that running is good for you and I've found a long list.
Number one is weight loss. Running burns the most calories of any cardiovascular workout. Running 1 mile will burn approx. 100 calories, 2 miles will burn 200 and so on. When you really get into running, you're more likely to watch your calorie intake and avoid foods that are high in calories but that don't give you lasting energy. Runners tend to eat more whole foods - fruits and vegetables, 100% whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. They tend to drink more water.
Weight loss occurs as a result of a calorie DEFICIT in the body (weight gain, obviously, results from a calorie SURPLUS). A deficit of 3500 calories causes one pound of weight loss. If you eat exactly as many calories as you need each day (your weight times 11), running 10 miles per week will result in almost 15 pounds lost in one year.
More health benefits: Improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and maintaining arterial elasticity. Slowed aging process, maintaining muscle and bone density, and avoiding osteoporosis.
Psychological benefits: overall happier mood, less stress, increased focus and determination, sense of pride in accomplishments, and the "runner's high" caused by endorphins doesn't hurt either!
Also noteworthy: improved coordination, improved muscle definition and tone, alignment of hips, better posture, increased lung usage, and lower resting heart rate.
I can't believe I haven't thought of this sooner! Monday can't get here soon enough :)
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