My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Thursday, October 14, 2010

C25K W4D1

Well. I did it. I went as slow as a snail. I was probably going so slow it didn't even count as jogging, but I ran when I was supposed to, and I only walked when it told me to. My legs were very sore, even during the Warm-Up. I think Monday is partly to blame, and I also think my new, special running shoes contributed.

That's right! Both Matt and I decided to make our hobby of running official and get ourselves fitted for the most expensive shoes I've ever owned.

Apparently, when I run, I put all my weight onto my arches, effectively crushing my ankles inward with each foot strike. This is probably what was causing the sharp pains on the sides of my calves and shins. My new shoes correct the problem. They have a denser foam under the arches and force me to roll through my foot instead of nearly breaking my ankles inward. My shoes are Brookes Addiction 9s. They cost me 100 bucks.

And my first run on them went worse than I hoped. But! I didn't fail! I ran the stoopid 3 and 5 minute intervals and I kept my breathing under control! And I didn't stop! And I didn't throw up! My legs HURT though, and I think it's because the new shoes forceme to use more of my muscles to run. But if it keeps me from getting an injury I am all for it!

Anyway, Friday is Day 2 of Week 4 and I hope my legs have recovered enough to not make the run too difficult. I'm teaching class tonight (I think, you never really know if you're students are gonna show or not!) which isn't going to help the legs heal. I also walked more than a mile to get here (in the new shoes, hoping to get my legs accustomed to them).

Just over a third of the way through this program, and I'm not going to quit!

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