My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 New Year's Resolutions!

Happy 2011 everyone! Don't you just love New Year's Day? It's like the first, unmarked page in a new journal or sketch pad - full of opportunities and possibilities, waiting for you to fill with marks and words and... well, LIFE!

It's also the first day to implement those resolutions... and I have a list of my own I'd like to share with you.

I'd like my relationship with Matthew to have more romance, more fun, more spontaneity and more sex.

I'd like to spend at least one hour each day playing with my son one-on-one without the TV, computer, iPod or cell phone on.

I'd like to lose atleast 40 pounds. I want to fit a size 11 pair of jeans again.

I'd like to blog/journal/write more often. I'd also like to crochet more items and possibly sell them.

I'd like to complete the C25K program, and also the Bridge to 10K program as well.

I'd like to compete in, and at least place in, a bellydance competition this year.

I'd like our house to stay clean - I'd like to pick up daily, do a full-clean once a week and a top-to-bottom deep clean once a month.

I'd like to begin getting our finances in order so that we may move into our own apartment by the end of 2012 (hopefully much sooner).

I have already written these goals down and have started outlining the details so that I may be successful in reaching them.

I know they are all doable. I know I have it in me to complete the little daily tasks that will make this year the best yet.

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