My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's amazing what you can do...

...when you finally put your mind to DOING it. I honestly cannot think of a reason why I didn't just DO this last year, why I spent so much time fretting about food or being able to find time to exercise.

It isn't hard. When you're overweight, the only thing that's truly difficult is controlling your portion sizes and going without sugary drinks.

Seriously, it's all in the calorie count. And it's very simple. Find a calorie calculator that will show you how many calories you need to eat each day (I like this one). Me, I shouldn't eat more than 1200 calories per day if I want to reach 165 lbs by mid-March.

When you're used to consuming twice that amount in one day, this does seem like starving yourself. But you're not. You're retraining your stomach to feel full with NORMAL portion sizes in it.

And if you're serious about losing the weight, it doesn't even seem like a punishment.

Case-in-point: On January 1 of this year, when I made my resolution, I weighed 191 on Wii Fit.

I weighed myself this morning and I'm around 7 pounds lighter. Boo. YAH.

Matt needs the computer so he can study but I'll write more soon.

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