My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Monday, April 11, 2011

173 pounds

That's right, I lost another pound! Over the weekend. I ate out Friday night (but only drank water). We went out to breakfast at Shari's Restaurant Saturday afternoon, at which point I consumed around 1,100 calories worth of pancakes, eggs, hash browns, sausage and bacon (but again, I only drank water!). Luckily, I wasn't too hungry the rest of the day, and I exercised with Matt that evening. On Sunday I went to troupe, which included thirty minutes of double-veil practice, one hour of Tiger Lily Shaabi and drum solo practice, an hour and a half of advanced class and finally, a half hour of student troupe Shaabi and drum solo practice.

Three and a half hours of low-impact dance. That's around one THOUSAND calories burned. I had a few pieces of pizza that night plus a big glass of root beer yet my calorie count was nowhere near what I needed for the day. I ended the week in a major deficit, and it shows on the scale. I have officially lost five pounds in under 2 and a half weeks. If I kept up the pace, I could potentially hit my goal of being 168 early! Perhaps I could hit it before showcase!

My run today went well. I added an extended route and it was perfect length for my 25-minute run. My pace was a 13 min/mile. My next run is 28 minutes long, so I'm going to have to plan another extension!

Can't wait to see my progress this week! I'll keep you posted :)

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