My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Still no weight loss

I'm SO close to the half-way point in my weight loss journey... I only need a pound and a half more! Yet the scale continues to mock me... I lost nothing over the weekend.

Granted, there was an Easter dinner and a handful of candy (plus cookies and two mini pineapple upside down cakes!) to be eaten Sunday, but I danced for over two hours, so that should have taken care of it!

I upped my calorie intake and I haven't really noticed a difference in how full I feel, or anything like that. I did the P90X Core Synergistic DVD earlier tonight - it's the first step in my plan to do the entire P90X program. I'm thinking I'll do the P90X "Lean" program modification. It focuses more on cardio and less on resistance/weight training. Technically, it's for those of us who would like to lose fat and sculpt lean body mass, instead of bulking up like the Incredible Hulk.

It's just as intense as the classic program and I definitely was sweating at the end. I could do a lot of the moves... and didn't have to modify everything, yet my legs felt like jelly after the cool down!

Tomorrow is the Cardio X DVD if I want to continue with the program. I really would like to finish up the C25K program first (today was supposed to be W9D1 but I never got a chance to hit the pavement) before I move on to a new commitment so I'll really have to make a decision about it.

More later.

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