My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fast food fix

Fast food is my biggest downfall, I must admit. I went over my calorie allowance yesterday by 40 because I had to have the fatty burrito AND the crunchy taco from Taco Bell.

This happens atleast three times a week. My boyfriend will get home from work hours after dinner and he'll be hungry around 11 pm. Then we go to Taco Bell. Why can't I just say no? I'm rarely ever THAT hungry when we go. It's tasty but I don't ever feel good about myself after I eat it. Blah.

Once he went to bed last night I did a ten minute ab routine and a ten minute cardio video. I felt better about myself almost instantly. My abs don't burn like they did the last time I did that video. I wonder if I'm getting stronger.

But anyway, I desperately need a plan to help me say no to the greasy drive-thru. If I want to lose this weight I'm going to have to avoid the fast food as best I can.
I pledge here and now to have late-night Taco Bell food ONE time per week only. It may seem like a normal amount to consume fast food, but for me this is a major cut-back. It's going to be tough, and I'm not going to have the support from my boyfriend like I need so this is really going to test my resolve. But I have confidence that it will work out because I have the motivation.

Today I made myself two over-easy eggs with one slice of cheddar cheese and two pieces of toast and an apple. For a snack I made myself hot chocolate with 1% milk. Dinner tonight is going to be stuffed tortellini pasta with either tomato or alfredo sauce. (I will choose the lower-calorie tomato). Again, I want to do another exercise video while my son is napping, but again I can't find the privacy and feel self-conscious and embarrassed to do one in front of others. I guess I'll be waiting until eleven tonight then.

Ooh! Maybe, whenever my boyfriend announces his plan to go to Taco Bell I can have him take my son with him and spend those ten minutes working out! That way I not only avoid getting the food but I replace it with a healthy option instead.

See you soon.

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