My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I want to step on the scale NOW and have results right NOW. I vowed I would only check once a week, on Sunday evenings, because I don't want to be a slave to a broken, lying, bathroom scale.
But I did, today.
I did because my sister said she had lost 15 pounds in the past 3 weeks. And my curiosity got the best of me so I got up from my computer and pulled out the scale.

It hasn't budged.

It still says I'm 193 pounds. That is, if I stand on it normally with my weight balanced through both soles.

If I lean forward and stand on tip-toes at the top part next to the numbers I'm 189! But that isn't how I took my original weight and I promised myself I wouldn't cheat without admitting it.

So I must confess. I had Taco Bell at 2 AM this morning. I was starving, my best friend was over and we were doing her school project and my boyfriend announced he was going to grab some grub.
And I ordered a cheesy double beef burrito and TWO crunchy tacos. Then I shared a full-sugar soda with both of them.
I just felt gross afterward. Logging the food, I discovered that I had consumed OVER 1000 calories for the day, leaving me only a little more than 600 for the next 22 hours.
I didn't eat breakfast and also skipped lunch. For dinner I had 1/8th piece of spinach quiche pie and a handful of salad with 1 tbsp Italian dressing and diet Pepsi.
That leaves me with 350 calories. So far, for the whole week, I am 1000 calories below my target amount.
Shouldn't I be SO much lighter than I am??? I'm sick of that scale already.
My friend offered to bring over her Wii Fit. It should be much more accurate so I guess I'll let you know what happens.

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