My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Friday, February 11, 2011

Being sick sucks

As does taking care of a 16 month old who caught the cold you had... atleast we aren't sick together. I'm at the tail-end of a cold that kicked my butt... and I'm not one to let sniffles or a headache interfere with my life.

It started Thursday night with a stuffed nose and a throat tickle and my Saturday morning I had every symptom in the book. Needless to say, I haven't done much exercise since then. I kinda fell off the wagon with the 10 pound Slimdown, but you know what?

This morning I weighed myself and I'm down to 181!!!! Ten pounds gone since the beginning of the year!!!

I guess six weeks isn't a bad length of time in which to lose ten pounds. I've purchased two pairs of pants recently, neither of which fit as tightly as they did brand new, so I'm VERY pleased with that.

Also, my arms continue to gain definition, and I'm looking forward to running again soon so I can get gorgeous gams to match!

A couple bellydance performances coming up, maybe I'll even need to take in my costume! That would be excellent, and I definitely wouldn't mind doing the extra sewing if it came about because I had lost weight!

California trip is a month away. Going to firm up as much as I can in the next four weeks to prepare. Certainly I could do another 5 or ten pounds between now and then, right?

Also- I purchased the Zumba DVDs! They will be here next week (hopefully), and I'm really looking forward to sweating my buns off!

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