My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Zumba Day 10

I had to skip yesterday's Day 9. For some reason, during my rest day my hamstrings on both legs painfully tightened up and they were so sore I couldn't imagine dancing around on them.

Today they were better, but definitely not at 100%. I decided to pop some Advil and do the workout, because I hate missing days.

Having completed this program (though I did not follow it to the letter), I would definitely recommend it to anyone. It's a lot of fun, while also being an incredibly intense workout. You WILL sweat! And you will have a blast doing it, because I know I did!

I found myself MAKING time for my workouts, whereas before when I wasn't fully committed I wouldn't make it a priority. It always took a backseat to what was CONVENIENT to do. My favorite convenient thing to do was watch TV or play around on the internet. Now I look forward to my son's nap so I can pop in the Zumba DVD and dance around and lose weight!

And I am losing weight, the family is starting to notice. They complimented me all yesterday and my mom even said last week that I'm looking more toned.

Well, the California trip is in 2 weeks. I'm going to troupe practice tomorrow and then I am restarting the ten-day program on Monday! That means the Wednesday before we leave will be my last day and hopefully I will look amazing! Five more pounds? Doable!

Just have to avoid making more blueberry cobbler... that was a BAD (albeit delicious!) decision. Goals: drink lots of water each day, limit coffee and full-sugar soda. Make healthy meals, stick to the calorie allotment

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