My stuggles with weight loss after the birth of my son

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Zumba Day 10

I had to skip yesterday's Day 9. For some reason, during my rest day my hamstrings on both legs painfully tightened up and they were so sore I couldn't imagine dancing around on them.

Today they were better, but definitely not at 100%. I decided to pop some Advil and do the workout, because I hate missing days.

Having completed this program (though I did not follow it to the letter), I would definitely recommend it to anyone. It's a lot of fun, while also being an incredibly intense workout. You WILL sweat! And you will have a blast doing it, because I know I did!

I found myself MAKING time for my workouts, whereas before when I wasn't fully committed I wouldn't make it a priority. It always took a backseat to what was CONVENIENT to do. My favorite convenient thing to do was watch TV or play around on the internet. Now I look forward to my son's nap so I can pop in the Zumba DVD and dance around and lose weight!

And I am losing weight, the family is starting to notice. They complimented me all yesterday and my mom even said last week that I'm looking more toned.

Well, the California trip is in 2 weeks. I'm going to troupe practice tomorrow and then I am restarting the ten-day program on Monday! That means the Wednesday before we leave will be my last day and hopefully I will look amazing! Five more pounds? Doable!

Just have to avoid making more blueberry cobbler... that was a BAD (albeit delicious!) decision. Goals: drink lots of water each day, limit coffee and full-sugar soda. Make healthy meals, stick to the calorie allotment

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Zumba Day 7

This is my 50th post! Go me!

I just finished Zumba Day 7 of their 10-day Weight Loss program, and I feel awesome! Yesterday's workout left me feeling SO sore today, my abs and back hurt something fierce, and my legs feel so heavy!

But I did the 50 minute Cardio Party DVD and I rocked it as best I could!

And I will continue to push myself to not skip workouts - they don't get boring, and they're SO fun. Tomorrow is a designated rest day, and I may actually give myself a rest. If I feel up to it, I will try out the 20-minute Express routine, because I am in LOVE with the results I'm seeing!

The last time I weighed myself on my Mom's scale at her studio, which was six weeks ago, it said I weighed 185.5 which was an amazing number considering it said I weighed 191 only two weeks before that. Today, I weighed myself again.

180!!! I'm so excited! Eleven pounds GONE in 8 weeks, and I vow to NEVER put that weight back on! I'm almost down in the 170's again! I haven't been there in over two years!

My plan is to continue choosing healthy meals, eating salads and vegetables without dressings, drinking water, and nothing high in (empty) calories, avoiding sweets and salty snacks, and picking only whole grains and other complex carbs.

I definitely don't think I'll be down to my original goal of 165 by March 11, but I am excited to be near 175 by then!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zumba Day 6

Last Sunday was my first rest day, but I have troupe practice that day and since we are preparing for our trip to California we danced for the better part of THREE HOURS. And then we went and did a ten-minute performance.

Performances always wipe me out more than practice does, since it's so high-energy and you've got adrenaline pumping through you and you're smiling and sweating and, not to mention, you're wearing at least ten pounds worth of beads and fabric.

Overall, it was a fun night. But I did NOT miss the Zumba workout!

Monday I did the cardio party, and today was sculpt+tone and the flat abs routine. I was sweating the entire hour-long session!

The funny thing about Zumba, though, is that you feel SO energized afterward. I feel like I could go out and run a mile or two! I don't feel drop-dead tired like I did after the regular interval strength training and cardio yet I know I got just as good of a workout!

At any rate, I'm halfway through my first ten days, I've lost about a half-pound so far, but I have noticed my pants are slightly looser. Maybe their promise is for real! How nice would that be???

Teehee. Even if I don't lose a ton of weight, I'm going to do the 10-day program over again after I finish this first round. Then I'll take a few days to rest before the California trip, and hopefully I'll look better than I have in a long time!

Fingers crossed...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Zumba Days 1 and 2

My Zumba DVDs arrived in the mail two days ago, and I am in love with this form of exercise! I've always loved dancing, and I love how sweaty I get during belly dance troupe each week, but my body has become accustomed to the moves and I don't think two hours of dance a week is enough to kick my butt into shape.

I heard about Zumba for the first time over a year ago. My sisters both asked if I wanted to go with them to the local community center and take a class with them. At the time, Jamison was less than four months old, so I declined. But my interest in Zumba was peaked and I began looking into it over the summer last year. I wanted to take a weekly class at the college this winter but it didn't work out. Then I found out the grange hall down the street from our house offered classes twice a week, but they were on nights I had other things to do.

So as the last resort: I purchased the DVDs online. And I love them! I just finished the first hald of day 2 of the 10-day accelerated weight loss plan, which is the sculpt and tone workout. I still need to do the flat abs workout but I'm expecting company and don't have time now. I'll do it later. But let me tell you - I am covered in a layer of sweat! And near the end of the routine my arms were shaking and my moves were not energetic in the least... but I finished and it feels more like I went to a party than anything else.

More information on the 10-day plan: They claim I could lose up to an entire pant size in ten days if I follow their calendar of workouts and I adhere to their nutrition guide.
Well, the guide basically has me eating nothing but protein and barely any carbohydrates, which, yes, that will cause you to lose weight but I'm not going to stick to that at all, so I plan to eat as healthy as possible, stick to my calorie budget for the week and see how it goes. There are two rest days built into the calendar but I might throw in the express routines on those days just to get more cardio.

I'm going to get it done and I'm not going to make excuses! There are twenty days until we leave for California and my goal is to be down to 170 pounds by then.

More later.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Being sick sucks

As does taking care of a 16 month old who caught the cold you had... atleast we aren't sick together. I'm at the tail-end of a cold that kicked my butt... and I'm not one to let sniffles or a headache interfere with my life.

It started Thursday night with a stuffed nose and a throat tickle and my Saturday morning I had every symptom in the book. Needless to say, I haven't done much exercise since then. I kinda fell off the wagon with the 10 pound Slimdown, but you know what?

This morning I weighed myself and I'm down to 181!!!! Ten pounds gone since the beginning of the year!!!

I guess six weeks isn't a bad length of time in which to lose ten pounds. I've purchased two pairs of pants recently, neither of which fit as tightly as they did brand new, so I'm VERY pleased with that.

Also, my arms continue to gain definition, and I'm looking forward to running again soon so I can get gorgeous gams to match!

A couple bellydance performances coming up, maybe I'll even need to take in my costume! That would be excellent, and I definitely wouldn't mind doing the extra sewing if it came about because I had lost weight!

California trip is a month away. Going to firm up as much as I can in the next four weeks to prepare. Certainly I could do another 5 or ten pounds between now and then, right?

Also- I purchased the Zumba DVDs! They will be here next week (hopefully), and I'm really looking forward to sweating my buns off!